
Showing posts from August, 2019

Orange County lemon law lawyer- Get A free consultation today!

Having Car problem? Frustrated with a lemon vehicle? Don’t worry anymore! Orange County Lemon law lawyer are there to help you out. If you have a lemon car then by hiring us you will recover all of the money that you put into your lemon vehicle, minus an offset for usage. In addition to the money paid directly to you, the bank will be paid off, if there is money owning on the sale or else lease contract. And you will be glad to know that you are not accountable to pay single money to us! Because the defendant manufacturer is going to pay our fees! For more information visit us at

Consumer Mistakes that troubles OC lemon law cases

Sometimes, some people find themselves in the situation that their new or used car has turned out to be lemon. In such a situation, everyone wants a quick resolution which leads to trouble. Such things must not be taken into their own hands. There are many legal proceedings of the OC lemon law case. In this post, we will discuss several mistakes that can easily kill your lemon law cases. 1.       Not ensuring the customer complaint is on the service report: One of the most fatal mistakes that can be made in the lemon law process. Make sure your service report includes mileage of the vehicle, customer complaint, repair attempt, dates the vehicle was serviced. The customer complaint is the most important part of the service report. 2.       Leaving out critical information: Be careful about the make, model, and year of the vehicle, the non-conforming condition, the dates in which repair attempts were made, the name of the ...